Acid Rain (2021)
> x toilet paper (@ Upstairs Lavatory)
Someone has written something on the toilet paper in lipstick. That's a strange thing to do, but everything in this mansion is strange.
Let's look at toilet paper!
"Toilet Paper" icon by AomAm from Noun Project (CCBY3.0)
Acid Rain (2021)
> x toilet paper (@ Upstairs Lavatory)
Someone has written something on the toilet paper in lipstick. That's a strange thing to do, but everything in this mansion is strange.
Coffee Quest II: A Day At The Office (2002)
> x toilet paper (@ Stall)
A fine, almost new, roll of plush toilet paper.
Excellent for buffing executive bum-skin.
Escape from the Arboretum (2002)
> x toilet paper (@ in the back room of the boozer)
A fine almost new roll of shiny, sandpaper effect, toilet paper.
Good for removing cling-ons and bum-skin.
The House of Mystery (2018)
> x toilet paper (@ Cellar)
I don't need to tell you what this does, ok?
Santa's Trainee Elf (2020)
> x toilet paper (@ Lavatory)
It's a roll of 3-ply toilet paper - a scarce commodity in these times.
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